My Journey
All About Me
I’ve been a dedicated practitioner of holistic medicine since 1997. I love empowering patients to understand their bodies and discover the gentle power of the healing arts.
As a well-renowned Integrative Healer with a medical background, I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between holistic and modern medicine while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.
I am always looking to integrate new treatments and therapies into my practice and believe that continued learning is important for any good Integrative Healer.

My Mission
Better Treatments
I was blessed with the healing energies to restore the health of my patients and improve their lives through alternative treatments. I am mainly a dedicated Integrative Medicine Practitioner, but I often use or recommend other alternative methods for ongoing treatment. I teach patients stress reduction breathing, nutrition counseling, and review and individualize their supplements to encouraging Body, Mind Spirit integration. My ultimate goal is not only to heal, but also to teach my patients a better approach to their own health. Get in touch to find out what I can offer you.

Professional History
Graduated Osteopathic Medical College of New York
2005 - Present
Began practicing Reiki and recieved my level 3 Reiki Attunement
1991 - 1995
General Internship and Family Practice Rresidencies in NY
2016 - Present
Studied and Practice Essential Oil Therapeutics
1995 - Present
General Family Medicine, Board Certified
2021 - Present
Pursuring an Integrative Hollistic Healer Certification as well as a Ministers Ordination
My Story
One day on a trip to Cairo & Greece I had my first spiritual encounter.
The Chills ran up my spine visiting the underground chamber, at the Step pyramid of King Zoser, where my destiny changed, from hopelessness to something greater.
I graduated from the NY College of Osteopathic Medicine. Feeling there was far more to learn, I set out on my own spiritual journey. I received a spiritual initiation into Yoga and Mantra + Chanting practices discovering the Connection with Spirit!
While practicing a technique taught by Paramahansa Yogananda, my 8th Chakra burst open. This lead me to Spiritual classes given by Vasiliki. I received Reiki Attunements, Qi Gong, and attended many purification ceremonies. Upon leaving a Sweat Lodge, I poured out my heart to the Creator of All. From that point on, my spiritual evolution was Fast-tracked what felt like a hundredfold.
On a trip to the Peruvian Machu Picchu and Huyana Picchu, in 2012, connecting there to the sacred land and its people, I became more connected to the indigenous ways.
Sacred fires, walking the Medicine Wheel, and weekly meetings with the spiritual community of sacred sisters, I advance into knowing my own true nature.
As a doctor and medicine woman, I have a deep commitment to assisting others in the release of their own emotional traumas, and stuckness thus discovering their own Uniqueness, Truth and Inner Radiance.
Quote: “A healer is someone who seeks to be the light that she wishes she had, in her darkest moments.” Veronica Tugaleva.
It is to this theme that I dedicate my life, with much joy!